
整合CCD & sCMOS芯片以及像增强器技术

新   iStar sCMOS
  • Superior speed up to 4,001 fps and sps
  • Ultra low noise for high sensitivity
  •  Ultrafast spectroscopy and multi-track
  • Ultimate timing accuracy with <3 ns gating
  • Market leading dynamic range at full speed

0.000000002 sec




* 2x2 binning (13 µm pix.), effective 1.5 MP

Competitor Interline ICCD: 1MP, 12.9 µm pixel size

Competitor emICCD: 1 MP, 14 µm pixel size



作者 标题 发表时间
A. Hopkins Portable Deep-Ultraviolet (DUV) Raman for Standoff Detection 2016
P. Morgan et al Hybrid interferometric/dispersive atomic spectroscopy of laser-induced uranium plasma 2016
Raúl Payri et al Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector 2016
J. Wang et al Classification of Chinese tea leaves using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with the discriminant analysis method 2016
H. Bouchouicha, et al Synthesis and luminescent properties of Eu 3+/Eu 2+ co-doped calcium aluminosilicate glass–ceramics 2016
M. Gondal et al Laser produced plasma diagnosis of carcinogenic heavy metals in gallstones 2016
M. Janda et al Generation of Antimicrobial NOx by Atmospheric Air Transient Spark Discharge 2016
K. Kobayashi et al Laser-induced breakdown emission in hydrocarbon fuel mixtures 2016
M.A. Bratescu et al Analysis of benzoquinone decomposition in solution plasma process 2016
G. Yamada et al Electron density measurements behind a hypersonic shock wave in argon 2016
I. Ghebregziabher et al Propagation distance-resolved characteristics of filament-induced copper plasma 2016
A. Ehn et al  Setup for microwave stimulation of a turbulent low-swirl flame 2016
C. Moreno-Diaz et al Measurement of plasma electron density generated in an experiment of Laser Shock Processing, utilizing the Hα-line 2016
I. Mondal et al Throwing light on hydroxyquinoline-based ruthenium sensitizers with long-lived charge carrier boosts photocatalytic H2 evolution 2016
A.Sarakovskis et al Comprehensive study on different crystal field environments in highly efficient NaLaF4:Er3+ up conversion phosphor 2015
D. McCormick et al High-Sensitivity In-Situ Soot Particle Sensing in an Aero-Engine Exhaust Plume Using Long-Pulsed Fiber-Laser Induced Incandescence 2015
M. Erhard et al Real-time imaging of spin-to-orbital angular momentum hybrid remote state preparation 2015
E. Eshelman et al Time-resolved detection of aromatic compounds on planetary surfaces by ultraviolet laser induced fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy 2015
S. Garakyaraghi et al Transient absorption dynamics of sterically congested Cu (I) MLCT excited states 2015
T. Werblinski et al Temperature and water mole fraction measurements by time-domain-based supercontinuum absorption spectroscopy in a flame 2015
J. Moros et al Unveiling the identity of distant targets through advanced Raman-laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data fusion strategies 2015







